Nashville Area Dog Events

Bark in the Park in Lebanon, TN

Join us this Saturday for Bark in the Park and enjoy an afternoon of contests, vendors, food and fun for dogs and their people! There will be a pet photo booth, a microchipping ID clinic, “Pawcasso” paw print paintings, great silent auction items and much more!

Admission is just a $5 donation, and kids 12 & under are free! Plus, the first 500 people through the gate get a special goody bag. Proceeds benefit the Humane Association of Wilson County.

Bark in the Park will be held on Sat. May 3rd from 1- 5pm at the Wilson Bank and Trust on West Main Street in Lebanon.


1st Annual Dog Lovers’ Singles Mixer, Sat. May 17th from 2-5pm.

Miss Kitty’s Bed & Bath presents the 1st Annual Dog Lovers’ Singles Mixer to benefit the National Canine Cancer Foundation (

Bring your pooch pals and come enjoy live music, wine, hors d’oeuvres and hay rides along 22 beautiful acres. Walk along meadows, woods and let your canine companions splash in the creek as you mingle with other animal-friendly singles!

A $10 donation is requested at the door.

The mixer will be held at 2953 Spanntown Road in Arrington, TN on Sat. May 17th from 2-5pm. Call 292- 1900 for details, or visit Miss Kitty’s online at .

Is Your Dog Showing Aggression?


If your dog is aggressive to other dogs, people or even to you or your family. Does your dog act like Cujo when you go for a walk and embarass you?

If your answer is yes then you don’t want to miss our FREE webinar tomorrow.

“How To Help and Train Your Aggressive Dog”

will answer all of your questions and give you information on how you can get help for your dog before it’s too late.

Click Here For More Information

Can An Aggressive Dog Be Rehabilitated?

Simply put the answer is YES, usually, most of the time, but not always. Is that answer confusing, if so keep reading? The odds of the success you can have with rehabilitating a dog is good enough that you certainly need to give your dog a chance.

Can all dogs be rehabilitated, again the answer is simple NO. There are some dogs that just can’t be rehabilitated just like there are human beings with mental illness that are in institutions and cannot walk the street with the rest of us because of their illness and in some cases their aggression.
The question from the owner of an aggressive dog is always can my dog be rehabilitated and become a loving member of our family again? That isn’t a question that we can answered by simply looking at a dog.

The only way to tell if a dog can be rehabilitated is to try. That’s right you need to get started with training and behavior modification. For best results you want a canine behavior specialists that has a bunch of experience with aggressive dogs.

Simply relying on the trainer at the local big box dog store is a sure fire way to failure. Yes training is part of what your dog needs however there is more and we call that more, behavior modification.

So what is behavior modification? Behavior modification comes in many different colors and flavors and each dog could need something a little different than the last dog with a similar problem.

The behavior modification for your dog could include one or more of many different things including but not limited to:

1. More exercise 2. Getting the dog off the furniture 3. Feeding the dog after you, the ALPHA, eats, 4. Eliminating treats

5. and more than we can list in this article but you get the idea

A question that I hear quite often is “how long will it take to rehabilitate my dog” and that is a difficult question to answer. I have some dog owners say that they see a difference in their dog after just a week. Other dogs will require weeks and sometimes even months to solve the problem.

If your dog is important to you and your family it is worth the effort to see if you can help solve the problem. Your dog will appreciate it and thank you for the effort.


Does your dog need help with aggression?  We can help. If you are in ,  Chattanooga, TN,  Clarksville, TN, Knoxville, TN, Huntsville, AL and Indianapolis, IN visit our website and give us a call.

If you have an aggressive dog please be sure to visit for help…

Please remember we can help you with dog training or problem solving no matter where you are located.  In fact we have clients all over the U.S. simply visit    for more information and the give us a call.

Until next time,


P.S. Do you need some advice from a Canine Behavior Specialist?  If so CLICK HERE now!

About Wayne: Wayne Booth is owner of   which is headquartered in Nashville, TN but serves clients all over the U.S..  If you have a dog with aggression, behavior problems or simply needs training feel free to contact him.

Wayne has also been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network.  If you would like to become a Professional Dog Trainer he can get you started.

4 Dog Etiquette Tips


Most people just don’t realize how important doggie etiquette can be. They just don’t get the fact that as a dog owner they have certain things that they are responsible for about their dogs behavior. So let’s talk about a few of those doggie do’s and don’ts.

Jumping On People

This is a big one! It is just really wrong to allow your dog to jump on people. Your dog could knock them down if it is a big dog and even scratch them or get them dirty. It’s just plain wrong.

So how do you keep it from happening, simple, training? Yes, training your dog not to jump on people is really not difficult and will allow your dog to be welcome in more places around people. If you just simply are not going to take the time to train then KEEP your dog on leash and far enough away from people so it cannot jump on them. This is the doggie etiquette #1 rule.

Pick Up The Poo

Yes for those dog owners that walk their dogs through the neighborhood be a good neighbor and pick up your dog’s poop in the neighbor’s yard. As a dog owner I am sure that you wouldn’t want strange dog poop in your yard so simply do unto others and pick up the poop. It’s easy and your neighbors will love you.

Barking Dogs

Does your dog bark all day in the backyard while you are at work? If so you probably have some unhappy neighbors. It can keep the person that works nights awake during the day and the neighbor’s baby can’t sleep, you get the idea.

So how can you fix it? Here are just a couple of ideas. Bring your dog into the house while you are gone. You can use a crate if you are concerned about your dog being destructive. The second option is a quick fix by investing in a bark collar. Bark collars are much more sophisticated than in years past and it can be an easy solution that will have your neighbors loving you again.

Dog Parks

This is a big one and has a lot of dog owners concerned at the dog park. When you bring your dog to a dog park keep an eye on it. Dog parks are not a place for you to bring your dog so that the other dog owners have to watch it and scold it when it gets out of line or a bit too aggressive. It’s your job so take it seriously.

These are just a few tips that you should consider if you really want to be a good thoughtful dog owner. Your family, neighbors and friends will love you and your dog for taking the time to do these things.


Does your dog need help with manners?  We can help. If you are in ,  Chattanooga, TN,  Clarksville, TN, Knoxville, TN, Huntsville, AL, Birmingham, AL and Indianapolis, IN visit our website and give us a call.

If you have an aggressive dog please be sure to visit for help…

Please remember we can help you with dog training or problem solving no matter where you are located.  In fact we have clients all over the U.S. simply visit    for more information and the give us a call.

Until next time,


P.S. Do you need some advice from a Canine Behavior Specialist?  If so CLICK HERE now!

About Wayne: Wayne Booth is owner of   which is headquartered in Nashville, TN but serves clients all over the U.S..  If you have a dog with aggression, behavior problems or simply needs training feel free to contact him.

Wayne has also been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network.  If you would like to become a Professional Dog Trainer he can get you started.

Tick Invasion- What You Can Do For Your Dog

It’s that time of the year again, here is some information you need to know.

Most people know that it’s important to stay away from ticks. Part of the reason for this is that they can carry many different diseases. What people might not be aware of is that ticks are multiplying in number all across the United States.

Experts agree that as the number of ticks in the world increases so do the chances that your dog will be infected with the diseases ticks carry. This is a very scary thing for those who love their pet and don’t want to see anything bad happen.

One reason that many more ticks are popping up is because woods and farmland are being developed. This leaves ticks with nowhere to go but on your poor pup. Another reason for the increase in ticks is because of global warming. Ticks like this new, warmer climate.

In fact, the warm climate means that whereas ticks would be almost nonexistent at some points during the year they are incredibly prevalent during other parts of the year. These days they are around all year long in some locations. That means that certain diseases are around all year long as well.

These changes in climate are not just affecting dogs. It is also changing the way that birds migrate. People are taking advantage of the warmer weather by taking the whole family, and their dogs outside. This means more exposure to blood sucking ticks.

Ticks can carry many different diseases. One of the most common is Lyme’s disease. Deer ticks often carry Lyme’s. Other diseases to lookout for are Mountain Spotted Fever, and Canine Ehrliciosis.

When ticks start their life they are larvae. This larvae hatches from eggs and then they want to find a host to attach to. Some of the first hosts are rats. These larvae then fall of, feeding on the decay on the ground. After the larvae are ready it will become a nymph and try to feed from a smaller animal. Finally, it is ready for more as an adult.

For this reason there are many deer that are affected. In fact, deer are a main reason that there are so many ticks. These animals give the ticks the blood they need to thrive.

There is not much you can do about the increasing tick population but there are things you can do to protect your pet. Veterinarians recommended using tick protection year round for your dog. It is a good thing that many heartworm medications also prevent ticks. Make sure you double check because you don’t want to take any chances.

The number of ticks in the United States is rising all the time. The best thing for you to do is to keep your dog safe. Check yourself and your dog thoroughly and you’ll be doing all you can to protect against ticks.

Happy New Year!


I just wanted to take a moment and wish you and your family a Happy New Year.

Is getting your dog trained one of your 2016 resolutions?  If so we would love to help you accomplish that goal.

It doesn’t matter if you have an aggressive dog that needs rehabilitation or a new puppy that needs some manners in the house we are here to help so give us a call.

In fact when you call ask me how you can get FREE  “Training In The Park” for 2016.  I’ll give you all the details.

Feel free to give me a call.  I will be happy to answer all your questions 7 days a week from 8 AM – 9 PM Central Time, I am even here today on New Years day.

Talk soon,

Wayne Booth
Canine Behavior Specialists

615-776-WOOF (9663)