Training An Abused Rescue Dog


When you decided to go out and look for a new dog from the local shelters and rescues most people don’t go looking specifically for an abused dog. However there is that very small group of compassionate people out there that simply have big hearts and are willing to bring an abused dog into their homes and their life. Lets talk about training that abused dog.

Yes, there it is that fearful little dog that is simply too fearful to approach you even though you can tell that it really wants to. The next thing you know you are on your way home with your new fearful dog at your side.

Has this dog been abused? Most people would say yes, however that simply is not always the truth. There can be several reasons that this new member of the family is so timid and shy. It can be a lack of socialization. Don’t forget the period of socialization is from birth to 20 weeks of age. Maybe this little guy just did not get socialized. You really don’t know because the rescue said it was found roaming the street so it has no history.

It can also be fearful because of genetics. Yes, we don’t know anything about the parents they may have been fearful as well. In fact you probably know a human that is shy and withdrawn that was never abused so the same can be true for a dog.

Last but not least is yes, maybe there is some abuse in this dogs history. But time to move on and teach the dog that you can be trusted to treat it with respect and get it trained so it knows that it has a strong and understanding leader.

Start slowly building trust with you first and then with other members of your family. This will take time. I can assure you that it will not happen over night. It could take months and sometimes years.

Start off teaching your dog the very basics including sit, down and walking on leash. As time passes and the dog is catching on you can move to more advanced exercise like sit-stay and down-stay. Remember take it slow your not only training this dog you are also building trust.

As time progresses try to start socializing it with other people, dogs and even new locations. There is no exact time line for any of this because each dog will be completely different.

If you need help don’t hesitate to enlist the help of a trainer that is experienced in working with abused dogs. Their experience will be able to help you move along at a good pace.

Do you need help training an abused dog?  We have a lot of experience doing just that, so feel free to visit us at Canine Behavior Specialists and give us a call, or for our out of town readers  .

Until next time,


P.S. Do you need some advice from a Canine Behavior Specialist?  If so CLICK HERE now!

About the Author: Wayne Booth is owner of Canine Behavior Specialists in Nashville, TN.  Wayne has been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network.

10 Fascinating Facts About Dogs

There aren’t many animals much more interesting than dogs.  I’ve always been amazed by the things I’ve discovered about them through the years.  It’s really no wonder that dogs are so popular as pets all around the world.

I’d love to share with you a few interesting facts that I’ve learned about dogs since I started researching them.  I think you’ll agree that our furry companions are special in more ways than you would ever imagine.

1.    The Dog’s Sense of Smell.
While humans only have about five millions cells for smelling things, a dog has between 125 million cells (for a Dachshund) and 220 million cells (for a German Shepherd).  Dogs have a huge advantage when it comes to finding things with their nose!  A dog’s sense of smell is much stronger than any of our senses.

2.    The Dingo. Do you know about Dingos?  Dingos are a native dog that is unique to Australia.  They were brought to the island continent many thousands of years ago when humans first migrated there.

3.    A Dog’s Sense of Time.
Dogs don’t seem to have the same kind of sense of time that humans have.  However, dogs have a wonderful way of sensing how things relate to each other in time.  Your dog knows when it’s time to take a walk, when you’re supposed to come home, and when it’s time to eat.  That’s why it’s important to keep to a good schedule when you have a dog and don’t let your dog get too excited or veer off the schedule.

4.    Shaking and Digging. Your dog uses some of his survival instincts every day.  When he shakes a toy that’s part of the way a dog would hunt and kill and animal.  When your dog buries a bone or a treat that’s a survival technique for saving food after the kill.  Your dog’s instincts tell him that in the wild he might go days without making a kill so he needs to save food for later to survive.

5.    Barking and Chasing. Do you know why dogs bark at cars or the mailman?  Or chase them?  It’s because they’ve had some success with doing it in the past.  If a car drives by and they bark at it, or chase it, and it drives away, your dog likely thinks he has chase it off.

The same thing is true when your dog barks at a delivery person and they leave.  Your dog thinks that his barking has chased them away.  It’s a very satisfying feeling for your dog!  And it makes the habit hard to break.

6.    Circling before Lying Down. Have you ever wondered why your dog turns in circles before he lies down?  This is an instinctual behavior that dogs do in the wild.  Circling before lying down flattens grass and makes a spot more comfortable for a dog to sleep on.  If there are any undesirable pests, circling can get rid of them.  Your dog is just following his instincts.

7.    Training Puppies. Puppies learn a lot of things from their mother and littermates.  In order for your puppy to learn things like how to get along with other dogs, and not biting, he needs to stay with his mom and littermates until he is at least eight weeks old.  When you’re choosing a puppy you should not pick the boldest puppy in the litter.  They are usually harder to train and may have trouble accepting you as the pack leader.

8.    Dogs and Literature. People have included dogs in literature since before we had written languages.  There are dogs in the Bible, in Greek mythology, and in The Odyssey.

9.    Dogs in Space. The first living being sent into space was a Russian dog named Laika.  She went into orbit aboard a satellite in 1957.

10.    Dogs Are Fast. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, running at speeds up to 45 miles per hour.

This is just a quick look at some of the things that makes dogs so unbelievably interesting!  You will find a virtually unlimited number of fun facts in articles, blogs, and other sites online.  Considering that dogs have been our faithful companions for thousands of years, it’s amazing how much history there is about them and how much we know about them.  And there’s always more to learn!

Share some of your interesting dog facts with us in the comment section below !

Does your dog have separation anxiety?  Take a look at my new special report.

About the Author: Wayne Booth is owner of Canine Behavior Specialists in Nashville, TN.  Wayne has been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network, .

Until next time…..

3 Great Reasons To Teach The Down Exercise To Your Dog


Here are 3 great reasons to teach your dog the down exercise. To start with the down exercise is probably the most important thing you can teach your pet. I always tell my clients that when your dog is 20 feet away and you give the dog command it should drop to the ground without you having to do anything else. No treat, no nothing. When your dog does that your dog is acknowledging that you are the master.

Let me start off by saying that the down command is probably the hardest exercise for any dog to do. Big dog, little dog, old dog, and young dog it simply is the hardest exercise. Now when I say hard I don’t mean physically difficult I mean mentally difficult. That is because the dog does not want to submit to you and do the down exercise. In fact a dog in the down position in the wild would be subject to attack by other wild animals. However it’s one of the most important exercises there is.


The down command can save your dog’s life. Let me be a picture here in the front yard with your dog and it’s not on leash. It spots squirrel on the other side of the street and there goes your dog. However before it reaches the street you give the down command and your dog drops to the ground saving its life from that speeding car. Yes every dog should a great down.

One simple word can stop your pet in his or her tracks before something dangerous or disastrous happens. Many owners fail to recognize this potential of teaching their pets behavior but it’s as simple as the command, ‘down’.


A lot of things have been written about aggression and in several of those things they talk about the down command. They mentioned that if the dog had been taught the dog command as young dog you would have probably never seen that aggression. It makes sense because the dog has learned to respect the master from the very beginning.

When we are rehabilitating aggressive dogs the down exercise is quite often one of the main exercises we work on to establish the trainer as the alpha.

Behavior Issues

Some dogs are more challenging to train than others. However by starting with simple commands such as the sit, stand and down an owner can help to train their dog and stop future bad behaviors.

Taking the time to train your pet the down command has many great benefits. Remember that having a well-trained dog is part of the owner’s responsibility.

Do you need help with training your dog?  If so visit us at Canine Behavior Specialists and give us a call, or for our out of town readers  .

Until next time,


P.S. Do you need some advice from a Canine Behavior Specialist?  If so CLICK HERE now!

About the Author: Wayne Booth is owner of Canine Behavior Specialists in Nashville, TN.  Wayne has been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network.

10 Things To Consider When Travelling With Your Dog

If you’re not very well prepared and organized travelling with your dog can be stressful, and even dangerous.

Here are 10 tips for travelling with your dog. If you take the time to consider each of these ahead of the trip, you’ll find you will enjoy a much smoother, stress-free journey.

1. Make sure your dog is safely secured in the back of the car. Don’t leave him lose. He may be very well behaved when all is well, but if he is suddenly startled, is distracted by a dog on the side-walk or in another car there is a danger he could land on your lap and greatly jeopardize your driving safety.

Another reason for making sure he is secured is, if you do have a collision, you want to make sure that he is not going to be injured by being thrown against the windshield or the back of your head!

2. Make sure you are equipped with a pet first aid kit. You hope you won’t need it of course, but it’s worth taking just in case. Include in it a copy of your dog’s medical records.

3. This one may seem obvious but when in the middle of the commotion that can accompany a departure it can be forgotten. Be sure to take your own dog food and a supply of water with a bowl.

4. Take extra water in case of a breakdown or traffic delays especially in hot weather.

5. Be sure the windows in the back are open enough to allow fresh air into the car, especially when the weather is hot, but make sure the windows are not too wide open. You really don’t want to take the chance of your dog giving into the temptation of jumping out of a moving car!

6. Take a chew, or his favorite toy to give him an something to do as well as comfort him on the journey.

7. Make sure he has a comfortable place to lie down in the back, a cushion and blanket for example.

8. Stop regularly for toilet breaks and leg-stretching.

9. Give your dog a good, long walk before putting him into the car. Giving him a good physical work out before a journey will make the trip much more comfortable for him since he’ll be more likely to relax and even sleep through the trip after expending all of that energy.

10. Don’t forget the leash! It’s worth setting a reminder for yourself because leashes are one of those things that seem so obvious to remember, but are actually so easy to forget. In fact it’s a good idea to keep a spare leash in the trunk of the car at all times, so that you always have one with you when you travel, and there’s no chance of ending up on the road without one.

Allow plenty of time to plan and prepare for your dog’s journey as well as your own.

Do you have anymore good traveling ideas?  If so leave a comment below.

Be sure to visit us at Canine Behavior Specialists and give us a call, or for our out of town readers  .

Until next time,


P.S. Do you need some advice from a Canine Behavior Specialist?  If so CLICK HERE now!

About the Author: Wayne Booth is owner of Canine Behavior Specialists in Nashville, TN.  Wayne has been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network.

Pros And Cons of Feeding Table Scraps


We can’t really sugar coat this, everyone feeds their dog table scraps at some point or another. Quite frankly, it can be difficult to resist the temptation when you see those two cute little eyes staring at you from under the table during thanksgiving dinner. In fact, after guests leave, your dog may have eaten far better than you. Still, you have to wonder whether or not this is a good idea, or something that should be avoided altogether.

The Professional Opinion

All veterinarians will have their own opinion on feeding a dog table scraps, and most say that you should avoid doing it simply because it is not ideal for their diet.

When you purchase dog food, you are buying a food that is properly adjusted for their digestive system, and will keep them in good health. Human food is not adjusted for them and it will not give them the proper vitamins or nutrients.

The Other Side of the Argument

Okay, as we said, it is impossible to resist giving your animal a treat once in a while, and if you think about it, many of the treats you buy at the store aren’t really ‘good’ for your dog either. If you think about how you feed yourself, you will come to realize that we all break the dietary rules once in a while. Was that piece of chocolate cake good for your diet? Probably not. What about that bag of chips you tore into earlier? We aren’t telling you how to eat, but you can plainly see that everyone breaks the rules, even your dog.

The Key is Moderation

Just as you moderate yourself (hopefully) you should moderate your dog. The general consensus is that ‘people food’ should make up less than ten percent of your dog’s diet, and that you should always vary it when you do give in.

Fruits and vegetables, along with grains and pasta are considered to be healthy dog treats. In addition to that, it is recommended that you use human meats as a training tool to teach your dog the most basic of commands. Any dog will be motivated to sit when a piece of steak is on the line!

What to Avoid

There are certain foods you will want to avoid giving your dog at all costs. These include:

-Chocolate -Onions -Macadamia Nuts -Grapes


Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise?

What do you usually do on Saturday afternoons? Do you often find yourself sitting on the couch watching TV while your dog naps next to you? If this sounds familiar, you need to make a few changes to your lifestyle and exercise more. If you do not take action, you and your dog might end up overweight.

If you do not want to exercise, you should still think about the well-being of your pet. A huge number of dogs are overweight or even obese in the U.S. According to, it is estimated that 17 million dogs are either overweight or obese in the U.S. Most overweight dogs are out of shape due to their owners feeding them too much. Watching your pet’s diet more closely and making sure they get plenty of exercise is the best way to prevent obesity.

Dogs need plenty of exercise for several reasons. A dog who gets enough exercise is usually happier and calmer. Dogs who do not get enough exercise might experience separation anxiety or misbehave. Exercise is good for your dog’s overall health. Regular exercise can improve heart, lung, bone and joint health.

There are plenty of fun activities you can do with your dog. You could for instance go for a walk, jog, ride your bike or even go swimming. If you do not want to exercise, find a safe area where you can let your dog run off leash for a while.

It is best to exercise moderately. Your dog will not know when to stop exercising. You should never force your puppy to be more active. Too much exercise can be harmful to a puppy’s development and actually hurt their bones and joints. Fun and moderate activities will have positive effects on your puppy’s development.

If you plan on taking your dog for a bike ride or another activity, take the time to warm up first. Your dog can pull a ligament or a tendon if you do not warm up first. Make sure your dog does not exercise without preparing first and stop when your dog looks tired.

If your dog is used to being inactive, do not overdo it at first. Change your lifestyle one step at a time. Your dog will enjoy exercising but too much activity could have negative effects.

Your dog should have plenty of fun while exercising. Your dog will be happier and live longer if it gets plenty of activity and has fun. Remember that dogs have very different needs when it comes to exercising. For instance, a Golden Retriever will need to run everyday while a Boston Terrier does not need to be as active as other dogs. Choose activities adapted to the breed and age of your dog.

You can join a group of dog owners who want to help their pets exercise more. Contact the nearest kennel club, pet store or animal shelter and ask about local groups. Rally, flyball and agility are popular activities for dogs and their owners. You will also get the opportunity to make new friends and let your dog socialize with other animals.

Regardless of the activity you choose, your dog will benefit from being more active. Your dog will have a lot of fun, bond with you and live longer thanks to exercise.

Let  Canine Behavior Specialists help you with your dog?    Come visit our website and give us a call.

Until next time,


P.S. Please do us a favor and visit us on Facebook page and Like Us!

About the Author: Wayne Booth is owner of Canine Behavior Specialists in Nashville, TN.  Wayne has been teaching people how to become Professional Dog Trainers since 1990 and he is the Training Director of Canine Behavior Specialists Network.